Launching into Computer Science

Launching into Computer Science

The module explores the computer's fundamental theories and practices and then progressively examines trends and current developments in computer science. The module introduces the historical, architectural and practical perspectives of computer science and enables learners to engage with, experience and imagine the current and future development of the discipline. Furthermore, the module prepares the students for their ethical and professional responsibilities. In addition, the module enables learners to participate in discussions to identify current challenges in computing technology, i.e. global impact, security and threats.


  • Summary of the learning outcomes

I will learn to:

  • identify and explain the architecture, structure and functionality of basic components of a computer system
  • understand core data structures and programming concepts, including algorithm predictability
  • assess the functionality of diverse types of software, i.e. operating systems, utility programmes, languages and applications
  • evaluate the developing trends in computer science, such as cloud computing, big data, cyber security, and the professional and ethical requirements for understanding modern computer-based technologies
  • Units

The units of the module to achieve those learning outcomes:

  • Reflection

What exactly have I learnt and how?

The module Launching into Computer Science provided fundamental theories and practices and current computer science trends. Through the chronological structure of the course and constant information exchange with the tutor and fellow students, my learning outcomes increased enormously. Moreover, some parts of the course were very challenging since I completed the module and solved problems with a great deal of my initiative. Consequently, the online study provides me with a better learning outcome than an offline/in-person study.
Particularly the creation of my e-portfolio was a new experience of self-learning. I have never taken self-reflection and thought about how I learned the course content. Therefore, the portfolio is a powerful tool to show my accomplishments to others, especially myself. Writing my reflections on learning changed my thinking, and I became self-critical and searched for how I could learn more effectively.
I achieved an excellent overview of the Computer Science world, and I realised that there is still a lot to learn to reach my goals. Learning Python and SQL's programming languages brought me joy, and I became curious about the next course/module. However, for the next module, I need to focus on the expenditure of time since, for some problems, the time required was huge, and the learning effectivity decreased. The reflections on my learning outcomes will help me find the best way of learning.
  • Skills Matrix and Action Plan

What skills have I gained or enhanced as a result of this module and how can I use it? What else do I need to learn?

Other Modules

Object-Oriented Programming

Object-Oriented Programming

In this module, students develop object-oriented programming skills using the object-oriented programming language Python.

Secure Software Development

Secure Software Development

This module introduces students to secure software development's fundamental concepts and skills. Students will be provided with an overview of traditional and modern Software Development LifeCycle (SDLC) models.

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