Launching into Computer Science

Induction Computing

Unit 0

This unit aims to:

  • Provide an introduction to KOL and the University of Essex Online, its virtual learning environment (VLE), Moodle, and the available library resources.
  • Familiarise students with the resources available in the Study Skills Hub.
  • Guide students on how to best engage in online learning (learning communities, organising learning).
  • Introduce students to the ideas of reflective learning and critical thinking.
  • Refresh students’ knowledge of referencing and the avoidance of academic dishonesty.
  • Introduce the skills required for successful completion of future modules (including academic writing and research skills).


  • Summary of the learning outcomes

In this unit I needed to:

  • Demonstrate the technical and personal requirements of online learning
  • Demonstrate competencies in the use of the tools available to online learners
  • Demonstrate academic skills, e.g. essay/report writing, research techniques, referencing, reflective learning and critical thinking at a level commensurate with Postgraduate study
  • Reflection

Reflection on the Induction Assignment

How long before the due date did you begin preparing for the discussion question and the Induction assignment?
I have completed the induction module in order, and the prescribed sequence has prepared me well for the induction assignment. I have taken time for completing; however, I needed less than four hours to prepare for the discussion question and two days for the induction assignment.

Describe how you located appropriate source material for your assignments so far.
Please include the following:
1. How did you begin?
2. Where did you look for materials?
3. How did you assess the academic suitability?
4. How did you decide upon which sources to include in your report?
Due to the access limit of the online library, all my research took place on the internet. I am not a fan of researching academic resources on the internet, but getting the first overview of the topic is the best place. I did my best to find free ebooks. Unfortunately, there are not many of them available. This restriction made me use websites for my assignment, which I wanted to avoid.

How many books, articles, web pages or other resources did you read actively (taking notes) to prepare?
Because of the limited access to electronic books, I have actively read five books and three journals. In contrast, I have read over ten websites.

What process did you use to arrange your ideas?
For example, mind maps, outlines, lists, etc.
Before I started to write the assignment, I created a layout that I also used to take notes during elaboration.

How did you organise your points in your written assignments?
As I mentioned, I use a layout to organise my whole assignment.

What aspects of your work did you believe were the best before submission?
As for my observation, the confrontation with the subject led to new thought-provoking impulses for my part. I believe this is the best aspect behind the elaboration of the assignment.

  • Notes

Notes from the elaboration of the unit, various meetings, and feedback from team members and tutors

Feedback from the tutor on the Induction Assignment
Hi Gianluca,
Thank you for your assignment submission which I have enjoyed reading. Overall this was a good attempt at the induction assignment, which has earned you a pass mark.  Please see below some general feedback which I hope you find useful.  Quality of written expression & presentation Your writing has been generally well presented with a good introduction to the importance of higher education and study degrees in computer science.  You have demonstrated a good level of English and the ideas presented in the main body of your essay have been suitably discussed with evidence of critical analysis. This then leads to a conclusion where you highlight your expectations for the course and provide your final thoughts on this topic. Follows instructions:
• Addresses the set question
• Shows a good understanding
• Meets the word count

Feedback from a student on the e-portfolio discussion
Having an ePortfolio can benefit us a lot. Even the fresh graduates can express their learning journey, personal projects, the activities that they engaged in, etc., in the ePortfolios. It is the best self-branding tool for all of us.

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