Launching into Computer Science

Data Representation using Database Concepts

Unit 10

Welcome to Unit 10.
This unit demonstrates data representation using the Structured Query Language (SQL) database management tool. Data management is the key to success. Thus, a flawless data structure system is essential for analysing, predicting, and planning the organisation's next step. Many database models have an excellent architectural design and a framework to arrange data. It is distinguished between relational databases like MySQL and non-relational databases like MongoDB. It depends on the project which database is more suitable for managing the data. However, in this unit, students will learn about the tool SQL on MySQL, a relational database environment.


  • Summary of the learning outcomes

This unit aims to:

  • Apply database concepts and theories in the database design in terms of database integrity and data consistency
  • Create and manipulate data stored in a database by means of the structured query language, SQL
  • Review the security and maintenance methods of a database
  • Artefacts

    The projects of the unit to achieve those learning outcomes:

    Assignment Part 2: Algorithm and Programming Development
  • Github: Contact Book Project
  • Reflection

What exactly have I learnt and how?

While creating the contact book project for assignment part 2, I confronted many problems that helped me understand how to create flawless algorithms. I used my python knowledge to create a text-based user-input environment, and I am proud of my project. I admire that learning the programming language Python without experience was challenging and exciting. I am motivated to learn more about Python and ready for the next step. Furthermore, I completed the Introduction MySQL course and gathered an excellent overview and knowledge of databases.
  • Notes

Notes from the elaboration of the unit, various meetings, and feedback from team members and tutors

Here are few insights from the "MySQL" course:

Feedback from tutor on my Assignment Part 2: Algorithm and Programming Development
Overall a very good effort. You documented the assignment with examples and test cases, but more details and analysis could be included. Good logic using for and if loop, comments are used to explain and outputs are shown.
Code could be better in terms of implementation and use of functionalities such as the application of object oriented programming concepts. The report could be further extended to include more discussions and analysis.
A good strategy is taken to implement the logic. Test strategy could be described in detail and comments are used. List positioning using list indexing has been used correctly. The test results could be included in more detail.
Overall the coding could be better in terms of using more libraries and Python data structures.
Code implements the correct logic, good use of for and if. Variables are defined correctly. Better example of visualisation could be included in the report.
Knowledge and understanding of the topic/ issues under consideration:
A very good demonstration of knowledge and understanding, displaying in-depth under- standing in all key areas of knowledge relevant to the work.
Application of knowledge and understanding
A very good demonstration of the application of knowledge and understanding to address the learning outcomes assessed by the assignment and/or application to professional practice or real-world applicability.
Structure and Presentation (as detailed in the assessment guidance)
A very good structure and presentation but may have some omissions against the guidelines.
Academic integrity
A very good demonstration of academic writ- ing, including correct use of academic conventions, citation and/or referenc- ing with only minor omissions. Work shows broadly accurate attempts, but with the odd weak- nesses of con- forming with institutional guidance.

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