Launching into Computer Science

Data Abstraction

Unit 7

Through the concept of data structure, data can be processed, manipulated and stored. The unit provides the logic behind the data structures and why they are essential for software development, even though they are hidden. Data structures are responsible for creating, destroying, selecting, updating, searching, merging, splitting and traversing data. There are different types of data, which are divided into primitive and non-primitive data types. Primitive data types are integers, floats, characters, and pointers, and non-primitive data types complex and are assumed as an array, list, and files.
In addition, a data structure can be distinguished into linear and non-linear data structures. When it comes to linear data tructure, the data are sorted and stored one after the other in the memory. The required amount of data is fixed before realising this kind of data structure. However, the result of this function can lead to a waste of memory space. Furthermore, only one element can be attained. Moreover, a linear data structure is an array, stack, queue, list, and linked list.
Contrary to the non-linear data structure, the data are not sorted sequentially. Because of that, every element has a hierarchical relationship with its grandparents, parents, and children. Thus, the data insertion and deleting do not follow one another. Furthermore, the non-linear data structure uses the storage efficiently and does not need to fix the amount of data at the beginning like the linear data structure. Examples are the tree and graph data structure. A tree data structure sort and store the data in a hierarchical relationship.


  • Summary of the learning outcomes

This unit aims to:

  • Appreciate the importance of the concepts of data structure, their functionality and techniques
  • Apply and demonstrate the applications of data structure in computer programming
  • Reflection

What exactly have I learnt and how?

Before I started to study the Postgraduate Certificate Computer Science course, I attended an online course on the topic "Computer Science 101: Master the Theory Behind Programming" by Kurt Anderson on Udemy. The online course provided me with fundamental knowledge of computer science and the logic behind the data structures. This knowledge helped me answer all the data structure questions in seminar 4. Therefore, I recommend attending this course to acquire basic knowledge before learning to program. In addition, together with the information from this unit, I understood that data structures are essential for developing any software. Consequently, I know where I will get accurate information regarding programming.

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