Launching into Computer Science

Solving Problems Using Python

Unit 9

The previous unit built an understanding of writing an algorithm in Python. Python will be used to write, execute, and test programs in this unit. As the previous unit mentioned, it is essential to focus on efficient coding. Besides writing the code to solve the problem, it needs to check how long it takes to run the program. A programmer needs to pay attention, especially by using iterations and recursions, since the code's run time depends on how long the computer iterates a task. Therefore, using the proper loop command is crucial for simultaneously achieving a correct and quick output.


  • Summary of the learning outcomes

This unit aims to:

  • Write an algorithm
  • Investigate the quality parameters of an algorithm
  • Artefacts

    The projects of the unit to achieve those learning outcomes:

    Python Programming: 5 Mini Test
  • Github: 5 Mini Test
  • Reflection

What exactly have I learnt and how?

To improve and challenge myself, I completed the five mini-tests in Python. It extended my approach to solving a problem, especially in creating a function in Python. In the meantime, I started to create a contact book for assignment part 2, and it was pretty challenging to understand how to use functions properly.
  • Notes

Notes from the elaboration of the unit, various meetings, and feedback from team members and tutors

No notes were elaborated in this unit.

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