Launching into Computer Science

Advanced SQL

Unit 11

The next step of SQL will provide from this unit. With the Lab exercise, Advanced SQL, students will deal with arithmetic, character, date and aggregate function. Furthermore, this unit gives a deeper insight into the command JOIN together with Outer Join and Self-Join. Moreover, the selection clauses GROUP BY or ORDER BY offer a further opportunity to select the table by dividing efficiently into separate groups. Ultimately the unit provides high-level practical materials to demonstrate the power of SQL.


  • Summary of the learning outcomes

This unit aims to:

  • Write complex queries to extract the results from a database using SQL
  • Apply aggregate, arithmetic, date and string functions in SQL for summarised reporting
  • Evaluate query results
  • Reflection

What exactly have I learnt and how?

The MySQL assignment and the Advanced SQL lab provided great exercises to learn more about SQL. I know there are more steps to take to become a professional, but I'm grateful to have reached a high level of SQL for now.
  • Notes

Notes from the elaboration of the unit, various meetings, and feedback from team members and tutors

Here are few insights from the "Advanced SQL" lab:

Feedback from tutor on my Assignment Part 3: MySQL
Question Feedback Marks
1 Table joins are rights. You used where clause rightly. Steps are great. Result is correct. 20
2 Excellent work. Use of Case is great and you demonstrated the joins correctly. Alias are used. 20
3 Correct use of join and results are correct. Comments are shown. Results are correct. 20
4 Great work. Good use of null and join. Query result is correct, but the query could be organised better. 15
5 Good use of aggregate salary and results are correct. Using group by is good. 15
Overall Comments Great work. Joins are correct. Presentation is good, but some further comments could be added. 85

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