Launching into Computer Science

Computing Infrastructure and Network

Unit 4

A computer network consists of a large number of computers and other devices. These are connected either locally or remotely to enable data transfer from one to another. In addition, the computers can be connected by a peer-to-peer organization or even a client-server topology. Which topologies are used depends on usage and other conditions such as size, speed and range. Computers can connect locally to another through the Local Area Network (LAN). With the Wide Area Network (WAN), computers can be connected worldwide through 4G or 5G (fourth and fifth generation of broadband). Furthermore, with an Internet Protocoll (IP), every computer has its address to receive every kind of message from the right consigner. Moreover, almost every website uses the secure protocol HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) to prevent unauthorized third parties from eavesdropping on communications by reading network traffic.


  • Summary of the learning outcomes

This unit aims to:

  • Differentiate between various networking approaches, namely, internet and intranet
  • Identify various network topologies and appreciate the technologies and protocols that make these networks to work
  • Critically review a topology selection for a network and review the cybersecurity threats
  • Artefacts

    The projects of the unit to achieve those learning outcomes:

    Seminar 2: Emerging Technologies and Network
  • Emerging Technologies and Network
  • Investigation a Website: How is a website loaded by the browser?
  • Investigation a Website on a Browser
  • A Simple Website
  • Simple Website
                Simple Website
    		<h1>A very simple website<h1>
    		<p>I will show you an <b>image</b></p>
    		<p><u>A Mountain View:</u></p>
    		<img src="images/mountains.jpeg" alt="Mountain View"/>
    		<p>Beautiful, isn't it? <br> 
    		<i>I miss it!</i></p>
  • Reflection

What exactly have I learnt and how?

This unit gave me an example of how fast technologies advanced in the last few years. I use modern technologies without asking where they come from and who developed them. Through the elaboration of this unit, I obtained fundamental knowledge of networks and how these networks work. I even researched various functions of the internet. An example of my further research is attached under the Notes. Furthermore, I have never thought about how a browser loads a website until now. In addition, since I am new to programming, I took a Linux Command Line Interface course which showed me how an operating system is built and how to manipulate data for having a better User Interface. Finally, I can change folders, files and many other settings on my computer using the terminal and typing the commands.

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