Secure Software Development

Using Linters to Support Python Testing

Unit 6

Welcome to Week 6. This week, we will examine the technologies that are available for use within the Python programming language to support the development of high-quality code. High quality code is important, with an assumption that high quality code will be secure.
The content in Week 6 is important as it exposes students to the tools and techniques which are available within the Python programming language to support the development of code which is both high quality and secure. This will be directly applicable, and important, within the context of the summative assessment


  • Summary of the learning outcomes

This unit aims to:

  • Be familiar with using linters to support quality Python code development
  • Compare and contrast the outputs from linters to recognise their relevance and applicability in different development and testing scenarios
  • Develop Python code, which is free of error, consistent in its design, and considered to be high quality according to common Python standards
  • Artefacts

    The projects of the unit to achieve those learning outcomes:

    Exploring Linters to Support Testing in Python
  • Testing with Python
  • Development Team Project: Design Document Assignment
  • Design Proposal
  • Reflection

What exactly have I learnt and how?

We started working as a team right at the beginning of the module. We worked out the whole design document together and met at least once a week to discuss the task. I am very happy that we learn and work together, especially when we have a problem to solve. Our teamwork was especially valuable because we all attended all team meetings and worked together. Everyone was equally committed to the team. We all worked together and helped each other. Our time management was perfect, as was our communication. In summary, I learned how important it is to work together because everyone has a different perspective and way of thinking. Also, I am disappointed with our grades! I was expecting at least 80% and above because we all put a lot of effort into the design proposal. I am looking forward to implementing the design document and developing the application.

  • Notes

Notes from the elaboration of the unit, various meetings, and feedback from team members and tutors

Feedback from tutor on our Team Assignment: Design Document

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