Object-oriented Information Systems

Debugging / Error Handling, Data Structures and Data Search

Unit 7

Unit 7 teaches us how to debug code and andle errors. There are many ways in which errors are recorded. Furthermore, errors can be detected efficiently with the help of available tools in Python. Moreover, this unit provides refreshments in the data structure and how data can be stored.


  • Summary of the learning outcomes

This unit aims to:

  • Apply Python tools to examine the quality of code
  • Implement data structures to store data
  • Implement a search algorithm to explore stored data
  • Artefacts

  • Reflection

What exactly have I learnt and how?

Completing this unit took me more time than the university indicated. The focus of this unit was the assignment. I needed to design UML diagrams to support the driverless car development of the following assignment in unit 11. I struggled to design the class diagram for the driverless car because of the relationships between the classes. The more classes, the more complex the development will be. I knew before submitting the assignment that when it came to developing the code for the driverless car, I had to modify it. I know it takes more practice to design the class diagram without modifying the code during the development. Step by step, I will reach this point.
  • Notes

Notes from the elaboration of the unit, various meetings, and feedback from team members and tutors

Feedback from tutor on my Assignment: System Design - Driverless Car
A very well put together assignment that demonstrates an excellent understanding of both the subject matter (UML) and the domain in which you are asked to apply the knowledge (driverless car). The diagrams are correctly constructed, using the right terminology and notation and demonstrate a good level of planning and design.
A very good piece of work indeed.

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