Object-oriented Information Systems

Testing Code in Practice

Unit 10

Unit 10 explores how Python code can be packaged to be published in a user-friendly way. However, before publishing, it is necessary to test the code. The last unit established the importance of the testing phase, and this unit explores different approaches to testing both the logic and syntax of the code created. In addition, the final course, "Advanced Topics in Object Oriented Programming", is taken in this unit to complete the object-oriented courses.


  • Summary of the learning outcomes

This unit aims to:

  • Write unit tests to ensure correct functionality of Python code
  • Run pylint against a Python script to demonstrate stylistic correctness
  • Document code for release to stakeholders
  • Reflection

What exactly have I learnt and how?

I have never used a test runner before. Thanks to this unit, I used the Unittest module and understood how effective test runner modules are compared to manual tests. It also prepared me for the task in the following unit. In addition, the last course gave me a more practical exposure to object-oriented programming. The contents of this course will be beneficial for the summative assessment in the following unit. For example, how to import modules correctly or apply the composition principle. Moreover, I really enjoyed developing the Flappy Bird game during the course.

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